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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @mamacub63 Thanks- will do an analysis now
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @mamacub63 Will do- just to confirm are you just looking for 0% haram business activities, or are you looking at the financial screens aswell? so no Interest bearing debt, no interest bearing investments and no liquidity?
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @mamacub63 Noted thank you- we will look to include that filter and come back to you
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @utahmusic Thanks for letting us know- there seems to be an issue with NOrth American numbers in our system- should be sorted this week
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @chameli P.S please share with any likeminded people you may know- would love to hear more opinions!
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @chameli Amazing thanks so much for checking it out. Sure, we have a lot of respect for Zoya and are trying to do things a little differently to them. Currently the main differences are: Kestrl allows you to screen against 5 different standards, Zoya just uses 1 (AAOFI) Kestrl charges $1.49 a...
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @miriamicus Thanks for pointing that bug out, Spotify and all streaming services have now been amended accordingly.
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @miriamicus Thanks so much for pointing this out- there was a bug in our back end that is being rectified now. Spotify, along with other streaming services should not be showing as compliant.
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @jade2541 Thank you, we will take a look and update you. It will be a relatively quick filter to add
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @jade2541 Good question. Non-compliant means that the company is clearly engaging in an impermissible activity like selling alcohol. Questionable means that we don't have enough information to make a decision. A good example is Costco who sell a range of products, including alcohol. However...
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @jade2541 Salaam- thanks alot for this suggestion. It's something we can definitely roadtest with users. I feel a little hesitant to include it as a filter as there are specific shariah rulings that allow levels of interest but I will speak to our shariah advisory board too.
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    @kambroso Haha noted!
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    New Halal Stock Screener: Feedback Required!

    Salaam All, we've just launched a halal stock screening tool in our app Kestrl: The Muslim Money App ( We're offering 1 week free trials to all new users and we're hoping to get as much feedback as possible on our design and features. After 1 week it's $1.49/month (or less...