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  1. P

    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    @upamountain I can see OP wanting to be careful about co-signing loans, but in terms of the child themselves taking out loans, for medical school that is often a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Yes it sounds like a lot of money to get in debt for, but you can also make a lot of money once...
  2. P

    How to plan for aging Mom's retirement

    @christianityfacts Wouldn’t it be better to pay her expenses and then have her contribute that same amount into some sort of tax-advantaged account?
  3. P

    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    @richardnm I feel like merit-based scholarships are not nearly as prevalent for medical school as for undergrad or even other graduate programs. Since the people getting into medical school are all going to have great grades and resumes and you can’t give a scholarship to all of them.
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    How to plan for aging Mom's retirement

    @fooldani Yeah I feel like this part may be optimistic. The jobs you describe either seem possibly more stressful than accounting (for example librarian = working with the public which can be rough) and/or may be hard to get. I wonder if she is not still leaving some money on the table with her...
  5. P

    How to plan for aging Mom's retirement

    @fooldani I imagine those jobs would pay less if part-time though? Or are you assuming something like $40k full time salary, $30k part-time?
  6. P

    How to plan for aging Mom's retirement

    @fooldani Have you confirmed with her that the part-time job into her 70s is a reasonable assumption (that she is willing to do it)? Also if she is only making less than $75k now in a full-time job in a well-paid field, why do you think that a part-time job in a less well-paid field would pay $40k?