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  1. C

    23 M, quit my job, $45k savings. Just found out she’s pregnant

    @lisette I didn’t downvote you. I understand your rationale. It’s good to have savings to live on especially in an emergency or if your income isn’t guaranteed. If you spend around $5k a month, a $30k emergency fund will last you for 6 months, which is plenty of time to find another source of...
  2. C

    23 M, quit my job, $45k savings. Just found out she’s pregnant

    @lisette It’s costing you more money in the long run. Any earnings from your HYSA is eaten up by the interest on your loans, and then some. Some quick math $45k * .04 = $1.8k earned in interest (pre-tax) $15k * .2 = $3k in interest owed 1800 - 3000 = -$1.2k every year, probably more after...
  3. C

    23 M, quit my job, $45k savings. Just found out she’s pregnant

    @lisette I’d start by paying off that personal loan and credit card immediately, those 20-22% interest rates are not doing you any favors, and would leave you with $30k in savings and free up around $500/month