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  1. T

    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @kathyisongodsmission In debt… one of the cards has no available credit left on it at all, and the other one is close to being maxed out as well…
  2. T

    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @kathyisongodsmission Gotcha. I guess I should talk to a human. I just got my credit report and on there is still shows my own personal debt being from the B of A card ( $940 ), but I guess I may have to still talk to a human about this. What is baffling me now is that it says I am over 44k in...
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    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @kathyisongodsmission Okay, got it. Thank you. Typically should debt be paid back all at once? Would a monthly payment incur interest?
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    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    @redeemed20300 Okay, so I just checked my account and I almost had a heart attack. It says that I am $44k in debt…. I checked to see why and I just realized my two work-issued credit cards are the majority of my debt…and they are not listed at being paid on time either. (One of my part time...
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    6/7 years ago my $940 CC debt was sent to collections through B of A. What should I do?

    When I was just out of high-school, my friends convinced me to get a CC because they all did (I know…stupid/irresponsible) so we could go on a vacation and “not worry about money”. I spent a little less that $2k and was paying it off every month for a while after, but at a certain point I had...