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  1. S

    A little PSA on renovating your home

    @fengqiwu2011 Speak to people you see in your usual day to day lives like hairdressers, remedial massage therapists etc. They speak to people all day long in their jobs and might have some recommendations for you from their client base.
  2. S

    37 - fully offset my apartment, now what?

    @loo I'm pleased for you. I'm sure you worked hard to pay off your place by 37 and my next comment isn't directed at you. I take my hat off to you for getting it done, but seriously, this subreddit really needs to change its name. If I read one more post about how someone has paid off their...
  3. S

    A little PSA on renovating your home

    @crink Just to add to this, if you have someone in your life like a hairdresser or remedial massage therapist that you trust, ask them if they know tradies. As someone who talks to people in my job all day long (plenty of regular people I have seen for years) ask them for tradie recommendations...