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  1. T

    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @ukera Yeah, I'll ask her to check with her agent. I want to be truthful, though. I dont want to be SOL if something happens, and the insurance company says, " Well, you didn't tell us that and lied so we wont cover the claim "
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @ukera No, an agent I spoke to said I may have to see if I can get on my parents' poilcy, but some lenders require you to live with them or dont allow it so it just depends.
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @ukera Thanks, Yeah...he didn't tell me any of that at the time. Nothing I can do about it now.
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @earthsteps It was insured
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @lifeguide72 That's what I had for the past 4 months, but that car gave out. I was thinking of getting into the market for a long-term car, but I might have to get another beater.
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @tigerleurlis This is why it's important to stop making assumptions on the internet... I sold my car, I told the agent I sold my car, he said we should cancel the policy since I no longer owned the car, he didn't tell me that there would be consequences if me not having coverage while looking...
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @bigluke67 Thanks, yeah, I know about the non-owners policy now. The problem is that my past agent didn't tell me that BEFORE canceling my policy. So now my 10 years of constant coverage is erased and I'm in this BS situation.
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @bigluke67 " Policies are typically re-rated at each renewal, not midterm. So if you're on a 6 month policy, it will be re-rated every 6 months. If it's an annual policy, every year. " I mainly ment when shopping around for new policies with different providers. Not the renewal of a current...
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @bigluke67 Can I expect an improvement after 6 months, or do I need to wait a year ?. I think I've been insured since January, so it's almost been 6 months. This is why I thought the lapse isn't the biggest factor, but I trust your word. I figured it would drop by gradually bu now, but maybe you...
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @bigluke67 Yeah , it was 30 days lapse. I'm looking for a coupe mainy and they're all over $300 a month insurance wise. I paid $135 for a Mustang in 2019... now it's $330 for a 2024. I thought it was because the car is newer and more expensive but who knows. I'll probably have to buy another...
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    @bigluke67 I'm trying to get confirmation that the laspe is what's causing the increase. Or is it just the cars Im looking at...if its the car waiting wont drop it probably
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    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    I'm 27, and there are no accidents. My last ticket was 4 years ago. I've needed a car for a while now and I can not find any reasonable insurance. I've looked at mutiple brands and price ranges, looking for a 2019 or newer, they've all been 2,000 - 4,000k for 6 month term. I can not afford a car...