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  1. P

    Am I being ripped off or is this standard practice?

    @lianne72 LOL no lawyer is going to take a PD case on contingency are you kidding? Their percent of the settlement will literally be less than one billable hour.
  2. P

    Am I being ripped off or is this standard practice?

    @lianne72 Hope you have a lawyer who works for free cuz they’re going to charge you hourly for this and it’s going to cost more than it’s worth
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    AllState refuses to pay airport taxes and fees on rentals. Any suggestions?

    @thewordiswisdom It’s not the norm but if the car is being repaired and liability accepted no adjuster would arbitrarily say car is still being repaired but we won’t cover anymore it just doesn’t make sense. Also if they run out of coverage that’s it no rental no repairs nothing hard stop
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    AllState refuses to pay airport taxes and fees on rentals. Any suggestions?

    @thewordiswisdom Lots incorrect here (not trying to be rude) there is no limit on rental on third party claims other than the policy limits. 30 days would not be relevant if the vehicle is actively being repaired during this time. Presumably a six month rental is due to repairs not back up.
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    Subcontractor Ruined Wood Floors

    @evenif real wood and engineered wood floors should be specified
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    car accident settlement, is the insurance low balling me?

    @christianmom21 I’m sorry you feel that way insurance is a lot to understand. If you want to actual learn and understand I’m here. Otherwise good luck
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    car accident settlement, is the insurance low balling me?

    @christianmom21 Again addressing the fundamental misunderstanding of insurance. “Take it to one of his vendors” USAA provides insurance not automotive services. All vendors on any insurance companies network are also independent shops who can write estimates and do work. My favorite is when...
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    car accident settlement, is the insurance low balling me?

    @christianmom21 Lol what I’m saying is you have a fundamental misunderstanding of profit sharing. Based on what you’re saying any company that has profit share is out to screw you. If you don’t see how asinine that is I can’t help you. Insurance is the most regulated industry only behind maybe...
  9. P

    car accident settlement, is the insurance low balling me?

    @christianmom21 Lol what I’m saying is you have a fundamental misunderstanding of profit sharing. Based on what you’re saying any company that has profit share is out to screw you. If you don’t see how asinine that is I can’t help you. Insurance is the most regulated industry only behind maybe...