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    What to do w/ yen savings while out of Japan for a few years

    @resjudicata So if you have PR, you can just let your NISA ride for the full 10 years duration, even if you're not living in Japan?
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    What to do w/ yen savings while out of Japan for a few years

    @rogueebear I'm not OP.:P Was searching this sub for relevant info and your post came up, thought I would ask. I'm a EU citizen.
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    What to do w/ yen savings while out of Japan for a few years

    @rogueebear I'm not a US citizen though. Currently my NISA is all eSlim maxis all countries fund and I'm gonna stick to it.
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    What to do w/ yen savings while out of Japan for a few years

    @rogueebear Where can I find this info about keeping the securities account for 5 years if I'm outside Japan? That's what I'm planning to do if I hopefully get PR next year, max out 6mil in NISA over 5 years, leave Japan and then let it ride for another 5 until 10 years account expiration.