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    What’s the most tax efficient way to invest in stock in Switzerland?

    @sonofmatthew Yes 15% is too low. You have to use marginal tax rate.
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    How to invest in Gold?

    Oh, and basic food is very cheap now. I advise to hold some supplies of non-perishable foods; with just 50 or 100 CHF you can buy plenty of calories.
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    How to invest in Gold?

    @evietheturtle Don’t worry. You will always find someone who still has lots of food and who will trade food for gold (hint: go to a farmer). Just ask for stories in Germany after WW2…
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    How to invest in Gold?

    @terrywinkle Buy real gold, better 20g than 50g units. You buy gold as a hedge against dramatic events. In case you have to buy food and paper money becomes worthless, you want to hold real gold!
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    Emigration (but still pay tax) and pension funds

    @agedintheozarks False. Transfer it to Viac or finpension and you can invest it almost 100% into stocks, much better long term return than what your PK generates (due to higher stock %).
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    Not Putting in 2nd Pilar.

    @am29 One reason could be to send something, and then send the Obligatorium because the Umwandlungssatz and the interest rate are higher.
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    Not Putting in 2nd Pilar.

    @megan89 Open the account at Viac or Finpension. Access through website. Your assets have to be invested BVG-konform. The provider ensures this. You cannot pick single stocks for example; and you have to diversify into several funds, but you can go up to almost 100% stocks with low fees.
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    Not Putting in 2nd Pilar.

    @asdfkasdf Yes, you get 1.25%, but only on the Obligatorium…
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    Not Putting in 2nd Pilar.

    @sheep4christ Yes you have to hope the PK agrees to that split. At minimum they have to agree to send 50/50 to both accounts. And no, once in a Freizügigkeitskonto, it cannot be split anymore. Yes, you can also keep all funds at Viac. It‘s not the intention of the Gesetzgeber, and the...