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  1. E

    Series on Gen-Z & millennials struggles with expenses/debt

    @rosecloud Exactly. We personally haven’t racked up debt for vacation - we just know plenty of friends who have. The temptation to follow suit can be strong at times, that’s all.
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    Series on Gen-Z & millennials struggles with expenses/debt

    @rosecloud Thanks for your kind words. I am fortunate to have Parents who understand and always expressed to “pay yourself first” in the logic about 401ks and retirement. And to keep making car payments to a savings account as an emergency fund. Nevertheless, it’s disheartening when emergencies...
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    Series on Gen-Z & millennials struggles with expenses/debt

    @abdurrashid You summed my feelings up nicely.
  4. E

    Series on Gen-Z & millennials struggles with expenses/debt

    @willowsbible Many of us older millennials were graduating and competing against people who were getting laid off during the mortgage crash. Boomers were taking our entry level jobs. Myself and most of my friends in college then went on to graduate school (some PhDs) to see if the wave would...