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  1. O

    How do I claim b and c shares?

    @kaithar I bought stock in 3M. It's a publicly traded company, so its very easy for me to tell a brokerage to sell the stock. In fact, my 3M is held through a particular I'd have to tell THAT brokerage to sell my shares. I do not know how to sell the stock you have in this...
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    Hi, I’m a 20 year old but I don’t feel like I’m ready for the adult world

    @juliekay I dunno. I think studying for an intro-BIO exam would be a lot harder for me... I've not done any biology since 10th grade -- and I started 10th grade when Jimmy Carter was president. At least this finance stuff I've been actually poking at in this millenium...
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    How do I claim b and c shares?

    @kaithar If you own shares in a company, you get the money by selling the shares. What sort of company is this? A publicly traded company? And how do you hold the shares? Stock certificates? brokerage?
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    Hi, I’m a 20 year old but I don’t feel like I’m ready for the adult world

    @scottyboyyy tip: don't worry, be happy. Live below your means. Jump into the next thing as you're confident you're ready. There's a lot of change that happens between leaving high school and starting actual careers. I went through college, met a girl, and had to move several hours away...
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    I’m about to receive about $200,000.00 and I’m not sure what the best thing to do with it is

    @josh0302 When my mother died, Vanguard took very good care of me and my inherited IRA. Put it there, and put it into an index fund. It's okay to take a couple of days to make a decision on which mutual fund. My favorite is currently VTSAX, but there are others. What form is this money? Is...
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    What to do with $125K right now?

    @nick220 That's not a million dollar question. Bwahahaha You don't mention how much cash you have on hand besides the 125k. keep an emergency fund in cash in the bank. NFCU? Take the rest and either add it to your taxable account, plunk it on the mortgage, or both. I'm guessing y'all are...
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    Should I Change @ 40y/o

    @amack Because I believe that the stock market will continue to provide superior results and I'm willing to take the risk. And I know I'm willing to take the risk because when the Great Recession caused my 401k to lose 40% of its value, I wasn't worried, and I just stuck with my plan. It took...
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    Should I Change @ 40y/o

    @amack Huh? 401k or IRA? The Fidelity S&P 500 fund is FXAIX. You can buy that through Fidelity in an IRA, but you only get the choices you get in a 401k or 403b. I'm almost 20 years older than you and I think 10% bonds is too much for me. who's managing this?