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  1. N

    A big thanks to /u/Iced_TeaFTW and /r/insurance

    @edit I sent a letter of thanks to the manager of the office and the CEO of the company!
  2. N

    A big thanks to /u/Iced_TeaFTW and /r/insurance

    The text of the letter I received "Thank you, again, for the letter you sent IntegraSleep regarding the payment of the sleep study claims by BCBS. I have discussed the issue with the executive team of IntegraSleep and examined our processes. Please accept my apology in regards to the email you...
  3. N

    A big thanks to /u/Iced_TeaFTW and /r/insurance

    A few weeks ago I posted for help in this forum in regards to a sleep study claim with BCBS. Long story short I got hit with a $1,200 bill that I had been told on numerous occasions I would not get. The sleep study company and BCBS both said I was responsible for it despite what I had been...