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  1. J

    Looking for opinions on shared finances in my relationship

    @sriad Why would you each contribute 50% if one earns more though? You're not earning 50/50, why would you contribute 50/50?
  2. J

    Looking for opinions on shared finances in my relationship

    @nhule8805 Well, speaking as someone who did that when he was married, and just paid off related debt from that mistake 10 years ago last week, I disagree. It can be a very large, very expensive mistake.
  3. J

    Looking for opinions on shared finances in my relationship

    @nhule8805 I think you're pretty confused about what I'm actually saying, especially your last point: If a couple is married, and one person makes $300,000 and the other makes $40,000, should the person with a higher income be able to live a luxurious lifestyle while the one making $40,000 lives...
  4. J

    Looking for opinions on shared finances in my relationship

    @sriad I disagree. Partnership shouldn't be 50/50, partnership should be about proportionality and fairness. She earns 63% of the income, so she should cover 63% of the expenses instead of 50%. If she's working 60 hour weeks for her $170k while he works 40 for his $100k, then the equation...
  5. J

    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @megkh22 You obviously haven't worked with very many payroll softwares then, most of them are hot garbage. And worse, many of the settings aren't easily available, and thus, many people can't even see them. To directly answer your question, a 15 minute rounding rule is more typical, but 30...