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    Best lithium stocks to buy for long term holding?

    @kitley The only real benefit to sodium is low cost, it’s not really what I would call “new battery technology”, in the sense that it does not improve weight/energy density. It may be useful in certain niche use cases where lowest cost possible is the primary thing to solve for, but not much else.
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    Best lithium stocks to buy for long term holding?

    @natervader New battery technologies have been "just around the corner" for at least 20 years. I'll believe it when I see it.
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    Trying to make sense out of Shiller P/E Ratio

    @theriversedge What is your interpretation of this? I find it a little hard to believe that "US investors" were allocating only 30-35% of their portfolios to equity as recently as 2012. Maybe I'm not understanding what that axis means. Or maybe the data is suspect.
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    Trying to make sense out of Shiller P/E Ratio

    @resjudicata If anyone knew the answer to that question they could become a multimillionaire over the course of the next year. The point is - nobody does know. By all means, sit out, but you're still trying to time the market, which it has been proven over and over that no one can do. Also -...
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    Trying to make sense out of Shiller P/E Ratio

    @sherriemae It depends on how you measure inflation. PPI inflation for goods has been well over 10% for most of last year.
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    Trying to make sense out of Shiller P/E Ratio

    @testimony2share Cash is NOT a -7% real return right now, it is easily into the double digits negative. You realize that cash can only get less valuable in an inflationary environment right? Whereas stocks can appreciate? As the saying goes "Far more money has been lost by investors...
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    Trying to make sense out of Shiller P/E Ratio

    @resjudicata You would need to be pretty fucking dumb to have your money in cash right now, losing like 15% per year to inflation. Even if we hit a correction, it’s not like you’re going to be much worse off than having inflation erode your purchasing power, because history shows that even if...
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    Trying to make sense out of Shiller P/E Ratio

    @chuckrob Yup, it is a massive "TINA" situation - there is no alternative. The Fed is unable to move rates enough to make debt a rational option for investors seeking yield - all government debt and most all high quality private debt are still negative real yields. The only tool the Fed has left...