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  1. K

    Is our spending reasonable?

    @zombimansimp It sounds like you are in a pretty good spot. I'd say you could tighten up some of your spending if you want to, but it doesn't sound like you need to. Kind of a balance at this point of how much your money is bringing you enjoyment now vs saving it for other things later, and only...
  2. K

    Working with a spouse who is fearful and avoidant about budgets!

    @valerie22 It might be time for some couples counseling around this issue, specifically, if he completely refuses to engage with it.
  3. K

    Is our spending reasonable?

    @zombimansimp You're spending 1500/month on food/drinks for two adults (plus an infant who doesn't really eat much actual food)? That seems high, esp for a Midwest city. Our monthly food/dining out/drinks budget for our family of 5 in a bigger Midwest city than KC is also $1500 (which granted is...