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  1. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    @paul47 Hey, thanks for your answer. We are planning on buying our first apartment, but I dont think I can agree with you on the "bubble" part. Since everyone is feeling like the prices are off the top. 3 room apartment in new project is about 110k-140k. But yes, apartment in Riga feels...
  2. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    @moviefan2004 This is public information from bank - As you can see, some of them have decent returns, but most of them are super new and last years doesn't say anything, cuz you know, "all time high".
  3. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    @stefanny Well yeah, sounds about right. I want super long term investments. like 20-30 years (thats why I was looking in index funds, just to get them compound gains)
  4. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    @stefanny Thank you for your reply. So basically you are investing some amount of money each month and but shares for that. Would you mind sharing ETFs that you are interested in?
  5. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    Ahhh, minimum is 10$ fee, just because i'm from Latvia. damn, nice. So for low amount investments it's not worth it.
  6. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    @da13ba Yes, definitely Thank you for clarifying. Yes they are, only 2% of actively managed funds outperform market. Of course, this year is all time high +Covid-19, i know that .But you can check 3 year span as well, some of them have nice returns. Correct, everything you've explained is...
  7. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    Damn, i forgot to mention. That I want to long term invest money.
  8. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    @da13ba This is public information - All of the options ar not too old, but some of them gives nice returns. But the pricing though. As per SEB, if you invest in them, you can get in "Nodokļu deklarācija" 240 eur yearly return if you invest there. But yes, that is...
  9. R

    Investments from Europe/Latvia

    Good afternoon everyone! Since my financial stability is greatly improved over the last years, I've come to conclusion, that instead of putting X amount of money in my savings account (you may call it my safety pillow) I should divide this X=Y+Z , meaning Y goes into savings account and Z into...