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  1. R

    Why can't I find a life insurance co on Yelp that has better than 1 to 1/2 stars?

    @ativyl Why don't they push a solid company like Mass Mutual?
  2. R

    Why can't I find a life insurance co on Yelp that has better than 1 to 1/2 stars?

    @kingdomseeker7 I admit this is all new to me so you are right, but I am trying to educate myself. So far I have figured that a fixed immediate annuity with a period certain of 20 years is the best fit for me since I don't expect to live even half that long. My wife will get the rest and she has...
  3. R

    Why can't I find a life insurance co on Yelp that has better than 1 to 1/2 stars?

    @jeshurun1111 I see lots of 5-star reviews on various businesses, just not any for insurance co's. , oddly enough also for large appliance delivery companies.
  4. R

    Why can't I find a life insurance co on Yelp that has better than 1 to 1/2 stars?

    I have gone through all the life insurance co's that are rated in the top ten as well as a few others and all--I mean ALL of them don't get better than 1 or 1 and a half stars on a 5-star rating system on Yelp. The vast majority of people who leave comments talk about how rotten the service is...