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  1. J

    Best place to buy silver? U.K

    @resjudicata Why would you prefer silver over gold, in that case? If you buy gold britannias or sovereigns they're exempt from VAT and capital gains tax. The famous prepper Ferfal, who lived through the Argentine financial crisis, recommends junk gold - like cheap chunky gold chains and shit...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @evietheturtle Why on earth would you think that? Can I remind you that you're expected to be respectful in this sub, and not act like others are idiots?
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    How screwed am I with Pension investment to date?

    @resjudicata Your S&S ISA is part of your pension for these purposes - it's still retirement savings. Do not pay off your mortgage early if you're worried about your pension - that's giving your retirement savings less time in which to compound. If you have an outstanding mortgage of £100,000...
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    spdr s&p 500 etf is on invest engine at 0.03 T.E.R is there a catch?

    @jb21 This would be shown as "tracking error" on the page for each fund, I guess?
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @evietheturtle Now tell me something I don't know.
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @kcnalp A commission fee of 1.5% is €7.50 on every monthly investment of €500. In absolute terms, that seems pretty reasonable - I'm with a couple of fixed-fee brokers, and they charge me about £5 or €7 on each transaction. I typically make transactions £5000 - £20,000, and I wouldn't like to...
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @loverintruth As per another comment I made, also consider S&S LISA for a 25% Brucey Bonus.
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    Interactive Investor cannot show you the value of your portfolio over time!!!

    @kandikisses So basically the preceding three paragraphs or so were just an irrelevant rant? You were ranting about semantics? If you post asking about investments then people are going to tell you to disregard your savings. Ranting that "semantically my savings are investments" doesn't...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @kcnalp Most index trackers have TER below 0.5%, but index trackers are very cheap. I pay a TER of 0.95% on most of my money because I believe that an actively managed fund is worth it. I don't have to beat the index for it to be worth it, I just need to reduce downside risk. The questions...
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @loverintruth Depends on when you want to retire. Also consider increasing your contributions to your S&S ISA. Neither answer is right, just one is right for you. Read the LISA vs SIPP vs ISA page on the wiki.
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    Question about difference b/w Vanguard's Global All Cap Acc. and Income funds

    @smurf50 The reason it's "more expensive per unit" is that both versions of the fund started out at the same price - might typically be £1, £10 or £100 per share, whatever the fund manager decides when they set up the fund. When Vanguard are setting up a fund they probably lend the fund...
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    Interactive Investor cannot show you the value of your portfolio over time!!!

    @kandikisses I mean, you posted asking for recommendations of an app that tracks the value of your investments when you meant that you want an app that tracks your net worth. You clearly think you're financially sophisticated, yet you're unable to see the wood for the trees. You don't see...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @kcnalp Sorry, what's wrong with them? A TER of 0.55% is not expensive.
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    Interactive Investor cannot show you the value of your portfolio over time!!!

    @kandikisses Yet, for some reason, you insist on engaging with them. This subreddit does not belong to you, and it does not exist solely for your benefit. You seem to feel at liberty to spunk your questions all over this subreddit (we might have to limit that) and then bitch about the...
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    L&G pension fund advice for a novice investor

    @janjan Most of investing is about choosing a suitable allocation of stocks and bonds - probably most of the funds that L&G offer you, or the main ones at least, are just different allocations of these main two asset classes. Gilts are UK government bonds, REITs are property but they have...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @kcnalp Either of these are more or less standard passive allocations. I prefer the latter - 20% emerging markets is a tilt, hopefully a small "returns booster".
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    J(S&S)ISA which grandparents can easily transfer?

    @freeinchrist87 Is there a reason the grandparents want to use a JISA instead of a bare trust?
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @kcnalp This is not a conventional asset allocation, but I would favour the Vanguard World Minimum Volatility over the Lyxor. STOXX is a subset of world, so World + STOXX means you're doubled up on STOXX. I think you should have have quite a good reason for this.
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    Interactive Investor cannot show you the value of your portfolio over time!!!

    @kandikisses If you don't know the answer to this, then you should slow down with all your questions to the finance subreddits and take some time to read more. The only difference between FTSE's developed world and MSCI's developed world, last time I heard, was South Korea, which is...
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    How good is /r/ukpersonalfinance at predicting interest rates: a retrospective

    @christian2018 Clearly I don't understand the language being used here, because I don't understand how this translates to 0.1%: