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    Borrow from 401k to invest in a general investment account?

    @mybrainsick Why so restrictive? Earning 13% to break even sure... but why does it have to be another 5%-10%? If I can make 14% that's enough to break even AND make another percentage point. What's the reasoning of needing another 5-10% to make "worthwhile"
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    Borrow from 401k to invest in a general investment account?

    @corbco Who said I'm only investing $6000 a year? My question even says general investment accounts.
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    Borrow from 401k to invest in a general investment account?

    @corbco How about expanding?
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    Borrow from 401k to invest in a general investment account?

    @healedinchrist275 You pay yourself the interest when you borrow from a 401k.
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    Borrow from 401k to invest in a general investment account?

    Had a thought today.... I'm not a big fan of my 401k. The offerings are slim not to mention I prefer my Roth IRA. So not to leave any money on the table, I do invest in my 401k so my company will match it 50% (up to my 4%) So, I invest the minimum 4% and they match 2%. So, spit balling here...