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  1. B

    How would you invest 180K CAD somewhere if you were in my shoes?

    @adryan my main problem is how to balance my portfolio, I do not have the stomach to put it all in the stock market. I feel real estate is missing from my portfolio but everything is over priced. I can get still a decent one-bedroom apartment for 650K, and pay around 150K as a down payment...
  2. B

    How would you invest 180K CAD somewhere if you were in my shoes?

    @tmc1284 I do not have any real estate or any things else in my portfolio. These are my holding su, bp, t, dlaky, xom, mj,, which I am up between 30% to 70%. Thanks for the advice, I can buy more for sure. Though I do not have the stomach to put all my money in stock,
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    How would you invest 180K CAD somewhere if you were in my shoes?

    @jesseman I totally agree with you that the market is overvalued, but most of them are because of inflation. So 180K I have last year is not the same as this year, inflation already beat me. It is a good point, I've thought about it, money is going to flow out of the market, I can pick up...
  4. B

    How would you invest 180K CAD somewhere if you were in my shoes?

    I've ended up holding 180K in cash which is not a good thing. As I have been losing it to inflation. But, I do have a full-time job that takes most of my time. I do not know how to put it to work, that is why I asked you, folks. A little details, I am in my 30s, not settled down, live in...