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  1. R

    Pension L&G fund- shall I redistribute allocations of current pot whilst I’m still young ?

    @billiemae Go 100pc all equities, I worked out over 10 years my pension increased by £7k from the value I put in. Pretty damn poor!! It’s gone up over £12-13 k since then and I only modified the future contributions into all equities so only had a real noticeable jump in 2023. All these years...
  2. R

    Pension L&G fund- shall I redistribute allocations of current pot whilst I’m still young ?

    @billiemae Thanks yeah, I mean over 20 years left to go most likely stock market is going up, so maybe the best bet . I’m slightly risk adverse considering it’s my pension over 10 years that’s built up. I was considering 50pc in the target retirement fund 2055-2060 and then 45pc in world equity...
  3. R

    Pension L&G fund- shall I redistribute allocations of current pot whilst I’m still young ?

    @billiemae Sounds good, yeah world equity ex uk has been my big gains on my future contributions…. Is it worth changing my old current pension pot into 95pc world equity ex uk and 5pc in uk…. I think regardless majority in world equity ex uk is good, lot of it is in us stock market which is a...
  4. R

    Pension L&G fund- shall I redistribute allocations of current pot whilst I’m still young ?

    My background- I am 36 years old and planning to retire latest 55 years old. So I changed me pension allocation for future contribution to higher risk with 80pc in the world equity index 3 (ex-Uk) fund and the rest between emerging markets index fund / smaller companies index fund and uk...