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  1. N

    100k into s&p 500

    @pauline56 Again it’s all about context. $100K might be a lot to you, but if someone already also has 900k in cash, then it’s only 10% of the portfolio. $5M in cash would mean it’s 2% of their portfolio. Furthermore flexibility needs to be taken into account. You may 100% need that $100K in 12...
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    100k into s&p 500

    @pauline56 OP roughly has a 70-75% chance (I.e more likely than not) that the money allocated to s&p500 will return better than TD. It’s just a risk/reward OP is willing to take at the chance that the stock market may not flop. And if it does he doesn’t care.
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    100k into s&p 500

    @pauline56 We don’t know how much OP already has on TD. Could be 1-1.5M. If so then 100K in S&P is hardly a risk. Worse that could happen is what it drops to $30K? Don’t think that’s life changing for OP. Best that could happen, it gains more than the TD rate? We also don’t know if OP will be...
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    100k into s&p 500

    @the_family_monastery Don’t know why you’re downvoted OP. So many people default to “short term - definitely not shares” without looking at context of the situation. It’s a bandwagon thing where people don’t think critically and just copy others. In your situation yeah it can make sense to...
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    Here are some of my favourite personal finance/investing books

    @garrettholliman2001 That’s a very good point! That’s why I liked Mary Holm’s book as it’s specifically for New Zealanders. Though I feel like majority of the concepts from the other books are still relevant for an NZ investor. Are there any specific parts you think as New Zealanders we should...
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    Here are some of my favourite personal finance/investing books

    The Simple Path to Wealth - J. L. Collins The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel Rich Enough? - Mary Holm If anyone has any favourite books to share feel free..