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  1. J

    Underinsured Car Accident

    @raytheon Why on earth would you have such low liability amounts on your policy? Carrying minimums is where you went wrong here. One accident will easily eat that up and then you’re left holding the bag. Yes, the other drivers coverage will cover what yours won’t, but they’re going to come...
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    Looking for the cheapest car insurance fully coverage, highest deductibles offered.

    @lindseyt This needs to be a sticky here. It shocks and scares me that so many people have zero clue that rates are affected by a hundred different things and there’s no way possible that someone could answer this inquiry here.
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    4 fender benders in as many years; looking for less expensive insurance recos, but am I insurable?

    @former32%C2%B0mason This answer covered ALL the bases. Nicely done.
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    AllState refuses to pay airport taxes and fees on rentals. Any suggestions?

    @amw88 No kidding. Why on earth would someone choose an airport rental?
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    Too bad records to buy car insurance

    @rethink88 Your driving record isn’t an issue. It’s the number of CLAIMS you’ve made. You’re high risk now because they’ve paid out a lot while insuring you. Think about it. Would YOU want to insure someone who has had multiple claims in the last few years? I’d call a local, independent agent...
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    22 y.o. seeking advice on buying/registering/insuring a new car

    @vegdar You have to get a NC license. You have to insure the car in NC. You will have to register the car in NC. I do believe it will be cheaper to insure the car in NC vs. NY. Impossible to say how much cheaper it’ll be. An insurance agent can tell you this. Now, there may be some...
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    HELP! I haven't had Car Insurance for over 3 years. Can I get my no-claims bonus back?

    @shane2008 It’s ridiculous isn’t it? The way insurance is done is bazaar.
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    Do I have to disclose pending driving charges when renewing insurance? (Toronto, Ontario)

    @knicole97 High risk my ass. I think that guy is full of it, as a couple of non accident infractions shouldn’t put you in that category. Find a different company if you can. $1000 a month is ridiculous and sounds like what it would cost for a guy with multiple DUI’s.
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    HELP! I haven't had Car Insurance for over 3 years. Can I get my no-claims bonus back?

    @shane2008 Nope. You let your insurance lapse. That in and of itself will make your rates sky rocket. That’s why policies exist for people who don’t even own a car, so you can keep continual coverage.