Search results

  1. J

    Looking for savings account options with interest rates higher than 0.8%

    @uberweston i mean the fixed money (Festgeld?) offers from Postfinance are 0,94% yield but 100k minimum. Depends on the size of your emergency fund i'd say
  2. J

    What to do with 100K I will very likely need at some point in the next 12 months for a home deposit?

    @ninjax Keep in mind that some or most savings accounts have withdrawal limits, either about quantity or time - except you use the bank where you have it for the morgage, then they are happy to dissolve your savings account instantly and transform it into a morgage.
  3. J

    Best ETF on yuh?

    @erbard1 my GF - she's doing 80% VHYL and 20% CHDVD.
  4. J

    How do you prepare for yearly bills?

    @qmedic this. And then activate some regular payment to those accounts right after salary. Salary Taxes Yearly expenses Savings account You could also combine yearly expenses with the taxes account.