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    ASHP and Solar PV, are they worth it? - my experience and data

    @ghaynes Thank you for this, really interesting read. Btw do you have a buffer tank on the UFH circuit?
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    ASHP and Solar PV, are they worth it? - my experience and data

    @wodan Passivhaus is a specific green building standard (I think originally from Germany), it would be a good place to start, and probably one of the most well known of the ultra efficient design standards. That said a lot of good efficient buildings may not be Passivhaus but could still be very...
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    ASHP and Solar PV, are they worth it? - my experience and data

    @jaminko Odds are pretty low that it would be insulated and they didn't know/specify it. It has a different aggregate in it, but I think would probably need analysis/someone experienced working with it to identify it.
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    ASHP and Solar PV, are they worth it? - my experience and data

    @rainy214 I think this is where something like the Enerphit retrofit plan needs to be the way forward. Sure the ROI is horrible if you look at it from the perspective of I'm going rip out my perfectly good single/double glazed windows to replace with triple glazed windows or I'm going to tear...
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    ASHP and Solar PV, are they worth it? - my experience and data

    @ghaynes About 10 years ago, when I worked in green building design, we did a building in South Africa that used weather forecasts to control a hydronic cooling system. The system basically relied on the much cooler night temperatures to chill the concrete floor/ceiling slabs based on the...