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  1. J

    Who is buying T-Bills for their Emergency Fund?

    @angeliq4 Good point. I’ve always just bought them direct. (EDIT: Just found out you cannot automatically reinvest at Vanguard like you can at Treasury killer for me. I'll stick with TD) I guess my bigger point is why not T-bills? I see so many recommendations for high yield...
  2. J

    Who is buying T-Bills for their Emergency Fund?

    @resjudicata I didn't know that they could even be bought via Vanguard but now that I know you can't roll them there...that is a deal killer.
  3. J

    Asking for advice for a 37 year old with 60000 worth of debt and no 401k

    @mssonya84 The good news is you are 37 so you have 25+ years to fix your situation. A couple years to get out of your debt situation and a couple decades to save enough for retirement. I don’t agree with everything that Dave Ramsey has to say, but he’s spot on on getting out of debt. Suggest...
  4. J

    Who is buying T-Bills for their Emergency Fund?

    I'm wondering how many people in this community are investing in T-Bills directly using I see HYS recommended frequently as a safe place to park cash but rarely if ever do I see T-Bills mentioned. Even with a job loss, medical emergency, major car repair, etc. you won't...
  5. J

    Advice Requested - Cash out my 401K? Please Help. :(

    @ayla17 Getting out of debt has to be your #1 priority. before you touch the 401K and take the penalty... *Stop using the credit cards *Sell one or both of the cars and buy a beater . *Get a second job. *Start listening to the Dave Ramsey podcast. I don't believe in everything he has to...