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  1. M

    23 y/o, just started PhD, 45k in savings

    @chillcwill Thanks for the great response. What would be the best approach for me to buy into VDHG (I'm not all to familiar with the process, but from what I've read there are different options)? Also, my income is fortnightly so should I add to it every fortnight or less frequently?
  2. M

    23 y/o, just started PhD, 45k in savings

    I'm 23 y/o and I've just started my PhD in Science last July (takes 3-3.5 years) from which I can save ~25k per year (conservative estimate) and as of writing this I have 45k in savings. After my PhD I aim to stay in Australia, but if no opportunities arise here, I might have to go to the US...