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  1. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    @steffyweffy777 Will do! Thanks
  2. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    @searril My employer is a national organization so english required and french a bonus! & thanks man!
  3. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    @ant94 I work in HR as a bilingual recruiter!
  4. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    @kathyb I’ll look into it! Thank you!
  5. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    @3rdegreeblock I know my work insurance mentioned it but I didn’t bother to look into it as I was paying for this one already. I’ll definitely check! & I maxed my LOC transferring my cc debt on it. Will definitely focus on the high interest cc’s first. Thank you!
  6. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    @teach87 Working on this! Thank you!
  7. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    @reverie1 Taking notes! Thank you!
  8. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    @reverie1 How much would you recommend? I clear 1626$ every two weeks after taxes and got around 1900$/month in bills/necessities. Thank you!
  9. N

    24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

    I just got a salary increase last month and am trying to better manage my finances. I'm paying 936$/month for rent (living with gf), 388$/month for car, 293$/month for insurance (car and home), 51$/month life insurance and got 7000$ in Cc debt an 5000$ in credit line debt. I also got some acting...