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  1. S

    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @quantumleap009 I think you're too focused on this cherry picked piece of information. This $46,000 figure is: US only During a time of particularly expensive cars AND low car sales The people buying new cars the last 2 years are not average new car buyers. Millions of people, most likely...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @quantumleap009 We were specifically talking about sedans. People who are spending 40-50k on an SUV aren't even considering a Model 3. It doesn't matter how you spin it, Tesla is more expensive and outside most people's budget.
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing There aren't enough comparably priced ICE cars for Tesla to sell 12M, that's the thing. The global luxury car market is only like 7M cars right now, I don't think it'll be 12M in 5 years even if Tesla took 100% market share. Also, 25k corolla? The corolla is $21k. Most...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing Honestly, I don't even know why I just rolled with the "35k car" comparison in the first place. Most cars sold are not 35k, they are under 30k. But let's just pretend a Corolla is a 35K car. and sure, we can use 100k miles even though that's extremely low. The combined fuel...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @dsoundman Why do you think Teslas are cheaper to maintain? I've never seen this substantiated. As for fueling. Comparing a Tesla to a 10k cheaper car, average person is spending $500 vs $2000 per year. That doesn't break even until year 9. So pretty much 0 Tesla drivers are actually ahead on...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @wakester All car enthusiast forums are like this, it's not unique to Tesla at all. They don't do it for a "regular car", but they will spend their entire income on a 3-series, C-class, Challenger, Nissan Z, etc.
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing A lot of the past criticism of Tesla was A. doubting their ability to stay solvent and B. doubting their ability to scale. People always knew that there was a decent amount of consumer demand. Suffice to say, that old criticism is pretty irrelevant since clearly Tesla proved...