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    Spotify removes hundreds of K-pop songs globally, unable to reach an agreement with Kakao M

    @dreamcity Yeah its going the way of Grooveshark lol.
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    Spotify removes hundreds of K-pop songs globally, unable to reach an agreement with Kakao M

    Interesting to note is only Pandora pays worse than Spotify in the US market a stream. How long that continues we shall see...
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    Spotify removes hundreds of K-pop songs globally, unable to reach an agreement with Kakao M

    @resjudicata It was actually almost 200-300 artists so more than a couple hundred songs. It may seem like a joke in a smaller genre but with Covid hurting concert numbers and more countries/companies looking to help their own industry I wouldn't be surprised if German based Spotify has to pay...
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    Spotify removes hundreds of K-pop songs globally, unable to reach an agreement with Kakao M

    @prays Was explaining to the previous poster how big the overall Korean streaming market was on Spotify since some other commenters didn't think it was a very big genre.
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    Spotify removes hundreds of K-pop songs globally, unable to reach an agreement with Kakao M

    @wackwife23 Well just based off BTS around 100-150 million people if you add others off their 80 million listeners.