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  1. K

    [IBKR] Smart Routing & Comissions

    @evangelism4everyone You can’t beat the fees of the free selection in degiro I am afraid. I just bought 1.5k worth of VWCE for 1€ total fees (it was 0 but now 1€ transaction fee since may 15th). This is still only 0.06% in fees.
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    Invesco new”VWCE” at 0.15% TER

    !RemindMe 1 month
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    What is the best % rate for savings account in your country.

    @sunflowers24 3% france (livret a)
  4. K

    [IBKR] Smart Routing & Comissions

    @ron3865 Why less reliable?
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    Invesco new”VWCE” at 0.15% TER

    KID in English here:
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    Best EU countries to live off annual yield

    @nonconformist88 Greece 0% tax from capital gains from UCITS ETFs very sunny great social life cheap cost of living amazing food PS: I am biased but all the above are true.
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    Portfolio Advice

    @edee I like it. US exposure is not extreme. 80%58 + 10%55 + 10%*100 = 61% US exposure.
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    Invesco new”VWCE” at 0.15% TER

    @resjudicata Bullish
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    Need help with adjusting dollar-cost averaging strategy for VWCE

    @pampermommy IB is great as well as far as I know
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    VWCE or VUAA

    @stepham VWCE = more diversification
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    Portfolio Advice

    @edee I would personally go with one to avoid this extreme tilt on USA. An alternative would be to include a small SP500 percentage like 10% VUAA in option 1 eg 80% MSCI, 10% VUAA, 10% EIMI. Also, FYI 88% MSCI + 12% EMIM = 100% VWCE. I am personally with: 90% VWCE, 10% IUSN
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    Invesco new”VWCE” at 0.15% TER

    @resjudicata I am sure they will
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    Need help with adjusting dollar-cost averaging strategy for VWCE

    @pampermommy I use Degiro. VWCE is free but for VUAA I pay 2 euros per transaction.
  14. K

    How do I calculate how much money I need for a certain amount

    @deepblackblue Since you do not have monthly contributions the formula is: FV = PV(1+r)n where FV is the future value, PV is the present value, r is the annual return, and n is the number of years. If you put 1000 euros today in 18 years assuming fixed inflation of 2% and 0% interest rate...
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    Degiro ETF Gebühren. Optionen?

    @called2greatness I am replying in English. I had the same issue and the solution was to create a second degiro account under the platform with the same personal information of course. I now have 2 accounts and I can still invest into VWCE, IWDA etc via the second account.
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    Need help with adjusting dollar-cost averaging strategy for VWCE

    @pampermommy Personally, I pay 2 euros for an ETF and I invest every month and the fee I pay is 0.6% based on the amount I invest. In your case, I would invest every 2 months max. Also, keep in mind that DCA would be better on a more frequent basis than "every quarter". PS: In the elbow...
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    Invesco new”VWCE” at 0.15% TER

    @tr23 It’s like 4€ now
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    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @justlookingforanswers I am in France so different underlying tax I guess
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    Need help with adjusting dollar-cost averaging strategy for VWCE

    @pampermommy Background: The fee is 0.050% with min EUR 1.25 and max EUR 29.00 (source). Estimations: You paid 1.25 / 97 = 1.28 % fee due to the minimum fee. This is not extremely bad... The usual suggestion is to keep the fee below 2-1.5%. Idea: You can invest 200 (assuming a fixed amount of...
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    WISE 3.19% interest EUR

    @justlookingforanswers nice where are you based?