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  1. H

    Am I making TOO MANY AVCs? - 27 Y with 10% employer, compulsory 6.375% employee, and 8.625% AVC

    @hermit76 Very bad advice for a number of reasons. Revolut charge pretty high fees if you make more than three transactions a month IIRC. Secondly, trying to stock pick yourself is notoriously difficult and damn near impossible to consistently outperform indexes such as the S & P 500. It has...
  2. H

    Is this a good deal?

    @space769 But that's only if you retire on a massive salary. Also, that doesn't take into account that public service pensions are integrated pensions so you need to deduct the value of the PRSI pension, which never seems to be done in these valuations.
  3. H

    Is this a good deal?

    @hermit76 Where does this €1m figure come from?