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  1. B

    Investing with private banking worth the fees?

    @deserthiker24 You‘re already losing money by using those funds with high fees.
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    strange situation with many questions

    @ngozichukwuka Same same, but different.
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    How do you deal with your parents retirement planning?

    @forwardslider That's just not true, 1st Pillar and 2nd Pillar are both income. And almost no deductions.
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    How do you deal with your parents retirement planning?

    @forwardslider Why do for a Dividend ETF? You'll just pay income taxes...
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    How do you deal with your parents retirement planning?

    @ben77 Yeah 5 years is not really early.
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    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @hrosec Yeah why not pay someone to buy the SMI or SPI for you.. /s
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    I have a 10k fund emergence where do i save it?

    @toesockshoe Literally any bank?
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    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @renie No, not really no. Because once again, the past doesn't predict the future.
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    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @renie Basing future performance on the past. Always a good way to lose money.
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    Joint bank account

    @nnhust Yes that's true, that's the reason why everyone should have minimum one account in only their name.