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  1. A

    25 y/o, room rental

    @veenesse Hello fellow Sarawakian! I wanted to give some feedback. Your bills sound okay, it seems that your petrol + tolls (biggest combined expense) can't be cut. If you move to the 650 room, does it decrease your current commute? For reference I graduated in 2017 and at that time I paid...
  2. A

    F It, probably won't make it to retirement. Cashing out retirement to buy a house

    @savednocompromise I've seen that mentioned elsewhere in this thread and I think it sounds like a viable plan, although it seems that USDA loans may not be available everywhere so it depends where OP is. I'm not particularly savvy on the requirements for the USDA loan either so I don't know if...
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    F It, probably won't make it to retirement. Cashing out retirement to buy a house

    @tseleng Yeah, I'm incredibly sympathetic to OP's burnout (who isn't?) but it is very likely homeownership will just be an even bigger strain. Unless you are very, very, very lucky or live in a super cheap area, 60k will net you a fixer-upper which you definitely do not have the funds to fix...