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  1. G

    I’m 40, here’s where I’m at for retirement…

    @endquote enough to put a dent into things which will help. doing your best to max out your TFSA's each year (and catch-up where possible) will be a good start. if you dont think you'll be able to retire at 55, that's perfectly ok - nothing wrong with working until 60 or 65 to nail down a more...
  2. G

    I’m 40, here’s where I’m at for retirement…

    @endquote you should aim to have your 40s as your highest earning years, ideally you can start throwing some money into a TFSA; come retirement it looks like you'll have your wife's pension + RRSP + CPP + OAS. which may not be enough depending on what your retirement to look like. in your 50s...
  3. G

    Deferring High School - A Strategy to Build Wealth

    @hmg Based on the numerous grammatical errors in your post I'd suggest attendance in High School is very much needed.