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  1. S

    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @birdlegs Young people just entering the workforce are likely to have a higher tax bracket in retirement. Anyone in the lowest tax bracket (under fifty thousand in Ontario) will at best be in the same bracket in retirement which would make TFSAs superior given their flexibility, and that future...
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    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @reddragon4444 Hmmm... I'm not following what you're saying. What specifically do you disagree with in the article? I'm a CFP and have verified the math in the article (it's quite easy to do).
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    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @momofone1 But we're not talking about the same thing here, that's the problem. I'm not saying RRSPs aren't a great resource. I'm simply saying that, mathematically, if you make the same income before retirement as you do after retirement (or, more specifically, that you're in the same tax...
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    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @momofone1 Okay. I think I see what you're saying. There's a foundational misunderstanding here between what I'm saying and what you're saying (if I'm reading your comment correctly). In your example you are taking money out of an RRSP when your marginal tax rate would otherwise be zero. That is...
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    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @melsha OP, this link goes into the math as to how, if your tax bracket is the same at retirement as at contribution, the two work identically. You might enjoy it, I believe you've reached the correct conclusion.