Search results

  1. L

    H-insurance coverage between 59 and Medicare eligibility

    @disciplebrady Its 65, not 62, unless that changed recently. is really your only option but depending on where you live you might not even have that. It boils down into 3 categories. Income between 100 and 400% of the poverty line, and no employer insurance: Subsidies will be...
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    Can you leave your parents health insurance plan then get back on it later? (USA)

    @nursec Generally yes, as long its either open enrollment or you have a qualifying life event (e.g. loss of job). Exceptions can happen if A) the plan is non-commercial or grandfathered (e.g. union, university, "underwritten," MEC, etc.), B) Your 26th birthday occurs in under 6 months, or...
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    Marketplace plan residency requirements

    @nataliaqueensly It will be REQUIRED for SEPs, but you'd be doing yourself an extreme disservice by not switching things to state B now. Should it come to state C not taking your utility bill, or you don't cancel it in line with the date your lease/mortgage ends, it's going to come to the...
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    Marketplace plan residency requirements

    @nataliaqueensly Insurance aside, that is likely breaking the laws of state B. Most require anyone working there to switch plates and DLs within 30-60 days, even if you intend to move later. People tend not to, because there are few chances to enforce it, but you'd likely lose access to...
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    Help with selecting coverage

    @dora95 You have only screenshot one plan, so no real room for comparison. For many people, their needs exist on a bell curve of total cost. I.e. they want the plan with the lowest combination of both premiums (paycheck) and out-or-pocket maximums, as it covers both a healthy year and a worst...
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    Covid Care and In Network Hospital Treatment? [NY]

    @dayofgrace New York State of Health Plans are regional, meaning the in-network providers are largely in specific counties near you. Part of this is licensing (e.g. BlueCross licenses different companies for different regions) and part is expansion (e.g. Oscar only works downstate and MVP...
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    Offered PPO and DMO dental plans. PPO is 3x more expensive but I can't determine benefits

    @thrump DMO/DHMO is further down the list, but you'll need to know the networks full name. Should be listed in the benefits guide (e.g. "access to X") or you can call the benefits hotline at your employer...
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    Offered PPO and DMO dental plans. PPO is 3x more expensive but I can't determine benefits

    @thrump Unlike Medical Insurance, at least post-1970s Medical Insurance, Dental HMOs and Dental PPOs work very differently in how the dentist is paid. PPO: There is a contractually agreed price for each ADA (dental) or CPT (medical) code your insurance covers, which in-network dentists in the...
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    Unemployed, Aging out, Lost

    @briehat You have 60 days before or after the coverage end date (usually end of 26th birthday month) to enroll on Generally, you want to apply early, because if you wait past the 15th, the new plan will not start until the month after next. Other insurances like vision and...
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    Unemployed, Aging out, Lost

    @briehat Qualify for what? If you are aging out of a parent's plan, you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period on What plans you qualify for will depend on income. If your income is below 100% of the poverty line, you would have to pay full price for an ACA plan unless you...
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    Healthy 17 year old that’d like health insurance

    @dgw1982 Depending on your state, your parent might need to take out the policy on your behalf for at least 1 more year., the federal marketplace, is closed and I believe only CoveredCA (California) is open. To make insurance profitable, both Medicaid and ACA/Marketplace plans...
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    Unemployed, Aging out, Lost

    @humbleboy NOTE: As SC is a non-expansion state, you will not be eligible for APTC subsidies unless your income is above 100% of the Federal poverty Line. Below that point, the Medicaid expansion was supposed to cover anyone not just parents with kids or the disabled. As a result, you might pay...
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    Temp Job After Open Enrollment

    @munyaku That plan isn't, only the HDHP is. The benefits packet notes this as: Since the High Deductible Comprehensive Medical Plan is affordable under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you will not qualify for a tax credit or subsidy if you purchase health insurance through Federal or State run...
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    Temp Job After Open Enrollment

    Because of Covid cancelling a prior job offer, I am currently working for an IT staffing company for 3 different firms. It totals to over 40 hrs/week so I am eligible for their benefits, however I currently have a MNsure plan because was slightly cheaper at the time. Contracting company plan...
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    Short term insurance plans for an international student in NYC

    @munyaku In true Reddit fashion, this post was made (baritone voice): in 2.1 surround sound aka "with the sub."