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  1. R

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @faith4l Thanks For lengthy feedback and effort to share the wealth of knowledge you have. And 100% agree One rule of investment might not be a fit for everyone, thus why I called it out in my initial post, and follow up post even. But for me the way I also learn, is from seeing what other...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @faith4l I think it would be a 50/50 split on currency and Region eg: 50% maybe in ZA EE - STXGOV, and 50% in USD EE on BNDS. My current Age is now 39 - Been 12 year pension contribution, (moved over to RA) working on that RA for last 8 years, adding in a Provident fund from this year, (still...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @faith4l So Local market i have seen few suggestions STXGOV and for global BND (USD EE) Where would Satrix Global Aggregate fit then? A ZAR EE vehicle to track global Bonds? And 1nvest ICE a Local ZAR EE vehicle to tracke US Bonds? Or how and where would you classify or basket them?
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @judasofaustralia Thanks for sharing. Havent seen much about the satrix multi asset etf. Looks very interesting and a safer solution i see it has some bonds and cash inside. Very interesting. First time actually looking into this ETF Currently my tfsa is very similiar to yours beside last...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @judasofaustralia Yeah i had the Satrix Sa bond on my watchlist aswell. But not sure which was the best local bond out there. Mind if i ask what all is in your TFSA account? And how they split? Currently my TFSA is maxed out.. First time using it. But only equity no bonds.
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @judasofaustralia Tbh. Im new to bonds... Few months old in the investment scene aswell so still learning right and wrongs... So your suggestion is no US bonds only ZA bonds? And in TFSA? Which Bond ETF you reckon?
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    Easy Equities ETF plan

    @rockyravoli They very similiar if not mistaken if i saw correct the invest is slightly lower management fees of 0.25 vs absa 0.30%.
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @judasofaustralia I heard about the coupons on bonds. How does this exactly work? Do you have to stay invested in bond for a specific time? Or how does the coupons work?
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    Easy Equities ETF plan

    @mugen Thanks for the input and feedback! Is there a reason for satrix sp500 over sygnia? On local i have not selected any etf as yet. Those are just the ones that looks most interesting. Definitely wont use all of them' rather 1 or 2 to have some local coverage on a very small percentage...
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    Easy Equities ETF plan

    @alfiano Am i correct in saying the fees of Satrix and Synias s&p500 end up being the same? Satrix 15% management and 25 Ter sygnia 15% management 5 &other ans 20% TEr
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    Where to go from here...

    So an Update from all the feedback, Thank you for all the advise - I ended up Killing my personal Loan, Settled it with my 200K EF I had stashed up in Absa, And moved the left over 90K to my Flexi Reserve in the home lone bond, I am living in* So have about 119K Stashed as flexi , emergency fund...
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    Where to go from here...

    @cami777 ah okay I understand now, regarding the blocked off.... yeah and in these trying times anything can happen not certain about anything. specially job security... Thus the big focus on the EF... "I'd look at net income after expenses and compare to the interest you are paying." And...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @vancouverguy Thanks for inputs. Mind if i follow up with 2 questions? What and where do you save your EF, in which HYSA or MM? Mind sharing what your TFSA portfolio is made of and %split? My mindset also has been tp use EE as my high risk vehicle as my RA is the low risk. So was planning...
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    Easy Equities ETF plan

    @alfiano Thanks for the Feedback, So in your opinion - 10X Total world is better to rather put all in there instead of split between S&P500 and FTSE100? Also Vanguard VT - better to put it all in jsut that one? instead split between VTI and VXUS? And final point, Yes TFSA is my main...
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    Easy Equities ETF plan

    I have been doing some research, Reading quite a lot of historical post here, since my first post regarding this ETF and investing on EE. I Read a lot of articles, about diversification is key, or the bogglehead lazy 3 fund plan. ( Top US, Total world and bonds) I don't have my final answer to...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @ffriemann Thank you so much for the kind words, Wish I am in a position to pass on more; and share some knowledge even further, but at this stage I am in the acquisition phase, and just asking all the questions, that might be silly for some, but legit stuff that I am thinking off, but could not...
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    Where to go from here...

    @cami777 I am getting R7100 (+ Elec usage) Rental p/m from the property, but then a portion gets paid for levies(its in a complex), and rates and tax... "but if you are in trouble the bank cuts you off. happened to me...." How do you mean cut off? Do you mean from accessing your funds? or what...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    After Doing quite extensive research on Equities, ETF and specially focusing on the Boggle head mentality, the one piece of my portfolio that I don't have 100% mapped out or confidence is my BOND exposure. I have a Few questions, also short explanation where my mind is: On EE - Do you buy...
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    Where to go from here...

    @dustytoast Thanks for the advise. Definitely going to kill this Personal loan soonest. Financial freedom is tbat dream we all have and ultimately strive towards
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    Where to go from here...

    @coffeecups 100% Think this is the best option. Need to get that Personal loan squashed and quick.