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  1. R

    T-bills: shorter vs longer maturity strategies

    @lucianocardoso I'm doing fine mate
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    T-bills: shorter vs longer maturity strategies

    @lucianocardoso yeah, thought about that. Sure, won't be perfect timing, but a man has to plan :) So it'd depend on where Eur/USD is at the time of a potential yield peak. If DXY is still shitting its pant like rn (which isn't likely, since it's the ultimate safeheaven), I'd be comfortable...
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    T-bills: shorter vs longer maturity strategies

    also money market mutual funds sound like a good alternative. Afaik it's 0.5% lower yield than t-bills, same level of security but better liquidity - can sell at any time not losing the yield you've already accrued
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    T-bills: shorter vs longer maturity strategies

    @jrchristian Was thinking about MMMFs, seem to make sense, just haven't started diving into them. But again, very short maturity T-bills seem to be immune to declining since you can wait 2-4 weeks 99% of the time regardless of the macro backdrop
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    T-bills: shorter vs longer maturity strategies

    @resjudicata Trying to buy rn and running into some issues. Maybe you're using IB and could chime in?
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    T-bills: shorter vs longer maturity strategies

    @resjudicata Thanks for a detailed answer. Regarding the first point, I'm a fellow European, but have my capital in USD for some time now. Buying US debt instruments/fixed income is in line with my forex outlook. DXY will outperform EUR medium term since a) it's down significantly in the last 9...
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    T-bills: shorter vs longer maturity strategies

    I’m new to fixed income and conservative investing in general. Lately been weighin on different t-bill ladder strategies. The goal is to employ my capital in a safe heaven and wait out this current ridiculous pump on a thin air – then do some decent shopping in 24’. I have to stay as...