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  1. M

    Saving for mortgage vs leaving Canada

    @cankosker These two questions are unrelated. There are a lot of reasons to leave Canada but that the population is obsessed with an asset class that is in a bubble is not going to make it even close to the top ten reasons to leave. I am tired of discussing housing so I'm going to skip that...
  2. M

    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @quivermum If you're a Canadian living elsewhere you are allowed to keep both those open.. That is not the topic. The topic is would there be any benefits from someone who is not currently a resident of Canada to open either of these accounts while living somewhere else -- the answer is no. The...
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    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @quivermum Your reason makes no sense. RRSPs and TFSAs have zero value to foreign entities. Non-resident entities are not taxed in Canada and you don't have to be a Canadian resident to invest in stocks that trade on Canadian exchanges. TFSAs and RRSPs are highly restricted accounts that...
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    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @quivermum Opening an account is not the same as contributing to it. I'm leaving Canada this year but I am allowed to keep my TFSA. I can not contribute to the TFSA once I leave and any funds I take out I can't put back. That makes sense but I don't see why I should be prevented from changing...
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    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @zonderzug The question is why are they asking you to close your RRSP account? Also have you confirmed that you can't open a new RRSP and transfer out? That doesn't sound right to me.
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    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @rockwell21hr You cease to be a resident of Canada based on the date you take up residency in a new country. All you do is put a date on your final Canadian tax filing in the box for when you left Canada. If CRA questions that they will ask you to fill out a form with a bunch of questions that...
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    Forced by National Bank to close my RRSP

    @rockwell21hr You cease to be a tax resident immediately when you leave Canada.