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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @breve How much can one make from stock market index?
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @maque05 11 yr twin girls. We all have health problems. I think your idea sounds wise. One of my biggest fears is I will get sick and be unable to work for a while. If I have a savings that can float us until I recover.
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @jics Thank you. That makes sense. Is it smarter to rent now?
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @jics What tax incentives? I’m not very financially savvy
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @completeme Thank you for your response. What kind of investment would you go for?
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @lalaland777 Also, thank you for your response. More info- My mortgage payment is 1760/mo.
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @resjudicata What if a person doesn’t expect to live past retirement age?
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @lalaland777 I have 60k in savings. 60k in retirement account. I will get federal employee pension and social security retirement but I am only 40 now, I have a 25k travel trailer and 100k+ in equity. I make 47k/yr and will get 1460/mo in support for 7 years. I just want to be stable and a solid...
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    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    I owe 280k on my 3.8 fixed rate 30 yr mortgage. Would paying the max yearly lump sum be wise, or investing? I am a single Mom, just divorced and new to financial planning. I can't pay off my mortgage but I could pay a 10% lump sum this year. If investing is wise, what sort of investment would...