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  1. K

    No Email or Cell Phone

    @captainpike Wow, good luck with that.
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    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    @bmillerware If you disclosed the trip, then you can go ahead and sign. Typically though the complete application process has to be completed while in the US. Double check with the carrier because you want to make sure they will honor the coverage if god forbid something happens to you while you...
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    Can some explain like I’m 5?

    @trnubian You and your husband should have some coverage. How much and which type depends on your budget and protection needs. Could all be term, permanent, or a combination.
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    No Email or Cell Phone

    @captainpike I don’t understand how anyone in this day and age would not have a cell phone or an email. Never happened to me but I think you can do it the old fashioned way still and have everything printed and signed manually.
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 Consumers come on this subreddit all the time so it isn’t all agents. I fully support your efforts I am just giving you notice. I have gotten things taken down on other subreddits which I thought were innocent, especially given my intentions, but with this being an anonymous...
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 Use a different platform. Comment on other posts and speak from experience and articulate your opinions.
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 And it will most likely get taken down here. Not a platform for solicitation even if you aren’t an agent as you claim.
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    Do these fees seem insanely high?

    @tamimolina888 Yeah, I don’t understand how they can force you to purchase a policy that you are fully paying for. I haven’t heard of that. Typically in either a split dollar or key person policy, the company pays at least a portion of the premiums on the policy. Either way that is pretty...
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    Do these fees seem insanely high?

    @tamimolina888 Then yes that does seem high in relation to premium which means you are closer to minimally funding the policy. This can be dangerous for the health of the policy, especially since it is VUL and can experience downside market loss.
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    Do these fees seem insanely high?

    @tamimolina888 I agree with an earlier poster, if you are consistent showing annual charges and premium then the math is off on the $81 being 9% of $11k. That would be .9%
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    22 Y/O hoping to get term and whole

    @jsc2009 I think a blend of term and a permanent policy make sense for your age and needs given you are a parent. I wouldn't personally go with whole life, but it depends on your risk profile.
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @vincey Then technically you can surrender the policy anytime.
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @vincey I wouldn’t unless you are in an emergency cash need and don’t need the death benefit. If accumulation is the goal the premium should be as close to the maximum as possible. You can also reduce the DB or do a tax free exchange to a new policy with a lower DB.
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    Universal Whole Life Policy

    @rabshield Sure you can, just make sure they don't create what is called a Modified Endowment Contract or MEC. I think any cash value life insurance policy can be a good asset to have, but you may get more yield in other places depending on where you park that capital and for how long...
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    Universal Whole Life Policy

    @rabshield Ok, thanks. If this is the goal, then the insurance amount is only important from a cost and accumulation efficiency perspective. I would need to know more to diagnose this, but generally speaking you want the least amount of death benefit for premium paid. In other words, maximally...
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    Universal Whole Life Policy

    @rabshield Do you have a wife or kids? What was your goal for getting the policy originally?
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    Term Insurance in Texas

    @brinehawk You’re going to need to disclose it all and be honest. That being said, it is possible they won’t need an exam depending upon all answers to an online health questionnaire. Depends on carrier.
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    My secret for Life Insurance Agents

    @tdhope You just contradicted your primary pitch in the first sentence.
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    Do you recommend a broker to purchase a term life insurance?

    @qity I concur. Even some life insurance agents don't know much about the products they sell. It really takes a true specialist in some cases to get the right policy from the right carrier.
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    Do you recommend a broker to purchase a term life insurance?

    @helpthiscompany Yes use an independent agent or firm to help you shop coverage. I think your death benefit totals are in the right ballpark but there are many ways to structure different policies outside of just term which is just one type of coverage you would want to look at.