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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 My posts were taken down from that sub left and right before they banned me. It’s very weird I’ve never experienced a sub where the mods are so biased
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 Agreed! I honestly think they have some affiliation with the white coat investor
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 Any post about permanent insurance products will get taken down there. The mods are anti permanent insurance. I got permanently banned for asking people why they thought permanent insurance is a scam lol
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    Life insurance companies that allow the insured to set up payout structure?

    @zakk Protective offers this on all of their UL and IUL policies. You can choose how many years you would like the death benefit to pay out as well as the annual or monthly amounts that the beneficiaries would receive.
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    Life insurance companies that allow the insured to set up payout structure?

    @peacewithin Be careful with how the trust is setup and in which state. Trusts are typically good to setup as the beneficiary but I’ve seen plenty of trusts setup incorrectly that would not provide tax free death benefits or creditor protection.
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    Living benefits

    @christiansworldwideweb It's hard to say if that's a good deal without seeing a full illustration. I can answer your term question though. Most carriers don't offer the living benefits you are looking for on term insurance, but North American and Midland do. Their living benefits are really...