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    Trying to reduce our bills by installing Solar in Brisbane - Seeking Financial Advice

    @teenagedatheist Do you have access to smart meter time usage? It'd be pretty easy to grab that, combine it with the solar power prediction off pvwatts and get an accurate used/exported number. pvwatts puts a random Brisbane address as getting an average of ~50 kwh/day for five months of the...
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    Purchased the wrong investment property with instant regret before settlement

    @lostchildinohio Wealth in general does really well compounding over generations, except when interrupted by war/political upheaval. There's nothing property specific in saying it's much easier to stay wealthy and grow your wealth when you start at 10M than get wealthy from 0.
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    Am I missing some aspect of Water Corps’ billing?

    @doulos7 In Victoria, there may be a more than 1 step, but as a family of five with a garden, we never get to the next step. As for 'why' because it's trivial to count house connections. It's not trivial to confirm how many people dwell somewhere.