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  1. M

    Investing for dummies

    Thanks so much everyone! I have some homework to do, glad to know I'm not completely going down the wrong path! The Capitec fixed multi deposit account current gives me 8.3% (nominal) I just checked my car repayment and the settle amount is just over 3k and my monthly repayment is 2k so I...
  2. M

    Investing for dummies

    @ninimu Yeah I listen to Caleb's stuff like a podcast, I've watched a couple of his videos! I'll check it out again ☺️
  3. M

    Investing for dummies

    Hey, so I (31 F) am looking for some direction. Long story short; my mom passed away unexpectedly in 2022 she had nothing in retirement or savings and it was a big wake up call for me. At the same time, I came across Caleb Hammers videos and started to educate myself around making my money...