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  1. C

    Mortgage overpayment - real figures included

    @rosyy57 Investing in the market is vastly superior to mortgage overpayments. See my post on this page with the figures. As for the pension. Yes, it is likely to be the best, but it all depends on how much you are on track to have in your final pot. If pot is looking like it will hit the max...
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    Idk what to put my money in..

    @linav I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about. And I fear - you might not either! I'm not saying that to be mean - just it's very difficult to follow. Am I right in saying you have an account with IBKR and have bought into a few funds (you don't saying how much money, but its...
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    Mortgage overpayment - real figures included

    @gentilerain But the risk with overpayment is bigger. For example - let's say 10 years down the road, the OP needs 50K for an improvement to his house. Now, his stock market investment might have been worth 135K after year 9, but then there is crash in year 10 and it is now only worth 90K. They...
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    “Don’t tell the Credit Union it’s for a car!”

    @annointedb I'm sorry, but I don't think you can afford a new car at the moment. You still have a 5k loan (for what?). You need to pay that off ASAP. You don't mention savings. Therefore, I assume you have none? You need to start saving ASAP, both on a regular and lump sum basis. Once you have...
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    Mortgage overpayment - real figures included

    @dendrobatidae I don't think you understand risk as term when it comes to investing. While there are some people who gamble but call it "investing" (using leverage, putting all their money in a single asset, chase pipedream "investments" etc), when it comes to investing in the stock market etc...
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @blessbrenda 3.5 million would be plenty House - 1m towards a house (on top of my existing equity, savings and investments) Regular Income - 1.2m in property investment giving me a regular income of 75K (4K per month after tax) after expenses/depreciation which is loads to live on when you have...
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    Rent a room scheme

    @deebouchie It's how I bought my place at the age of 27. Was already house-sharing to that point. So I simply bought continued to house-share for the next 5 years. However, after 5 years, after my last housemate moved out, I got some work done which dragged on and on and I began to get used to...
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    Defined Benefit Pension

    @jpete You also need to consider inflation. Typically, the DB scheme value will be adjusted for inflation (within certain rules*). Thus, the question is - "are you confident of growing the €16,822 to the equivalent of €45,000 in today's money by the time you retire?" ^(\Op needs to read up on...
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    Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

    @rainn But the point of this post is to: Which is a complete BS statement (yet is the most upvoted on the thread) and I respond to state that there is no such thing. You are then arguing that I am wrong, stating: But the very link you provide verify's my statement and comepltely contradicts...
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    Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

    @rainn Yup, that's the thing I love about this sub. The post I am responding too is complete BS, yet is continuosly upvoted. My reposnse, outlining the facts is downvoted, and now you respond with even more BS and get upvoted. If you were to actually read the CCPC webstie regarding complaints...
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    Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

    @myia I've seen posts like this before and have no idea why this was upvoted. There is NO SUCH THING as a consumer regulator. There is NO SUCH THING as a consumer ombudsman. There are various ombudsmen who deal with consumer complaints resolution, each with a specific remit (such as financial...
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    mortgage interest rates

    @sadpaanda I would doubt that AIB are intentionally trying to avoid people overpaying these loans. It is more profitable to AIB if people do overpay.
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    Renting vs Mortgage (Google Sheet)

    @aybuqui A few things jump out at me. Mortgage interest of 6% per annum is ridiculously high. Not only would I hope to never have to pay that, it would definitely not be anywhere close to the average interest rate. 2% savings interest is very low given this seems to be about building up life...
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    I’m buying a vehicle off a private seller but wondering how I transfer the money?

    @deewsrd Don't think there's limit if you go into a branch (or, at least it is a significantly higher - I have done many tens of thousands in an in-branch transfer).