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  1. H

    Paying off entire mortgage, don’t want to mess it up

    @rootuchiha Damn!! I think I ended up just showing my ins. agent a printout of my mortgage account from my online banking tool, and that was good enough for her. Helps that she’s a family friend, so she could push things along a bit easier since there was a level of trust there already.
  2. H

    Paying off entire mortgage, don’t want to mess it up

    @rootuchiha If I recall correctly, I had to chase them down a bit for it, but it wasn’t too long. It helped that my insurance agent was directing me along the process. She was trying to get me a break on my home insurance by getting proof the bank no longer had a claim on my house, and she knew...
  3. H

    Paying off entire mortgage, don’t want to mess it up

    @rhandi Hah.. I went to my bank at one point to ask that, and they told me I'd have to pay a fee/penalty for paying off the mortgage early. I pushed back because I was allowed to pay down 5% (10%? I forget the exact number) of my principal every year as a lump sum, and this amount I was paying...