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  1. H

    Am I making TOO MANY AVCs? - 27 Y with 10% employer, compulsory 6.375% employee, and 8.625% AVC

    @brigid48 AVC's don't guarantee a satisfactory return. I'm retired and fortunately enjoying the fruits of a solid pension scheme. I'd recommend that you get to know the stock market and buy into a monthly investment newsletter (e. g. small company Share watch ) or the "investors chronicle" and...
  2. H

    Is this a good deal?

    Fair question and the truth is that it's reversed maths on the capital sum estimated to be required to generate the annual sum of my pension.
  3. H

    Is this a good deal?

    @space769 Great post M89 + accept my upvote with thanks
  4. H

    Is this a good deal?

    @duke7779 I cant emphasise enough how important it is to start your pension plan as early as possible in your career. As a retired Irish public servant I would have needed to accumulate €1m in order to have the pension I now have. Take personal responsibility for your own financial well being...