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  1. M

    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @johan_1988 Hey man! Thanks for the advise, appreciate it. Your last statement had been ringing through my mind through out the pandemic. And is something my wife and i are committed to do moving forward.
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @lunamu Hey thanks for the advise! Your point no. 2 had completely slipped from my mind.. i was too focused on the 2k savings without thinking about the long term/bigger picture. Thanks!!
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @mlorrainee Hey man! Yup after much reading, most likely at the current point of my loan tenure. I had paid most of the interest incurred. But i was focusing too much on the 2k discount the bank is willing to provide if i cleared it off in one lump sum.. i will certainly pick and choose on...
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @idrys Hey friend, thanks for the advise! That had been the way i had been saving so far. However, i had never been able to accumulate much as large sum saved earlier of the year (10-15k) would diminish by end of year due to emergency and what not.And this had been happening in a never ending...
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @lukemaster130 Hey! Thanks for the advise! Yeah my debts had always been one of the main stressors in my life currently. I was thinking to use the amount cleared and any additional income to speed up the rate of reaching my personal goal.
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @eng Hey, thanks for the kind advise. I really appreciate it. Most of the advise so far are leaning to option A/C. My spouse and kid had been the only reason i am still running in this rat’s race. Haha, if given the chance how i wish i can retire early goyang kaki back in my hometown. Thanks...
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    Salam and greetings to sifus, second time posting here on this sub. Been an avid reader all this while. I am 30(M, Bumi) married with a kid in KL (Moved recently). I am Netting around 7K Monthly (Approximately -10% from my previous job, with 20-30% higher cost of living; basically living...