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  1. H

    Capital gain arising from selling Multiple property can be used for one residential property us 54f?

    @richmondjema Yes you can combine all the sale proceeds and invest in one single residential property and it will be considered valid @burning___bush 54F. Yes you can combine X and Y amount from sale of capital asset in different years and invest into a single property as long as you don't...
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    Returns: LIC vs Gold vs Nifty

    @jcc19240 Some may say that 5% is good for guaranteed tax free returns but they are only considering current debt returns. They are forgetting that this is a 20 year old policy and interest rates of most debt based products have been around 9-10% on average for the last 20 years.
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    RBI is piloting an eRupee. Here's a fun read about how this plays into the banking system

    @andega I think the biggest advantage is that even people without bank accounts can now do digital transactions. I think we need to start thinking of banks as lending institutions. We shouldn't need their help just to perform the basic function of currency which is to enable transfer of goods...
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    RBI is piloting an eRupee. Here's a fun read about how this plays into the banking system

    @andega Yes, it sucks in terms of anonymity and the government will always try to invade people's privacy for greater control over the people. This is why physical cash also needs to stay alongside eRupee. I doubt physical cash will ever go away because it is very difficult to provide internet...
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    Stimulus/Revival Package - Tranche 5 - May 17

    @derek1111 As long as TFR is above 2, we still have enough reason to worry. We actually need TFR to drop below 2 and fast because there are already too many people and it will take ages to reduce this population burden as human life expectancy keeps increasing.
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @stefo It's best not to consider your primary house as an asset because you are unlikely to sell it, so it's capital appreciation is meaningless. Even if you do sell it, you will always need to buy another house to live in.
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    Stimulus/Revival Package - Tranche 5 - May 17

    @resjudicata Every policy has it's problems. We have to learn to live with those problems for the greater good of all. Earth does not have infinite resources to cater to every individual's freedom and choice.
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    P Chidambaram: Franklin Templeton’s decision you wind up 6 mutual funds is a matter of grave concern to investors and the industry

    @padraig_leigheanach The thing is RBI already extended a 20% credit line to all AMCs to tide over the liquidity crisis but extending even more credit brings with it a lot of risks. Let's say RBI offers a 80% credit line to meet redemption. Funds will keep borrowing money to pay out investors and...
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    Debit card, credit card auto-payment rules change from April

    @premier3092 So what exactly is this applicable to? Only auto debits via cards?
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    Stimulus/Revival Package - Tranche 5 - May 17

    @jesuschristismylord33 Everybody is free to want anything they like but that doesn't mean they will get it. Sex determination is banned in India and female foeticide is no longer a big problem. If somebody gets a girl child, he will have to accept her. What you are talking about is a social...
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @mamabdog Everybody forgets that rent also increases every year. After every real estate boom, rent also jumps massively to keep pace with the increased price of property because rental yield needs to stay within the 2-4% range. Currently the RE market is down but it won't remain so forever. I...
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    Stimulus/Revival Package - Tranche 5 - May 17

    @rosslufc I would appreciate some measures to reign in overpopulation. A one child policy with 90% income tax rate for those with more than one kid. That alone will solve nearly all our problems including the pollution problem to some extent.
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    Qualcomm to invest Rs 730 crore in Jio Platforms for a 0.15% stake. JIO Platforms bull run continues with 12 investement in less than 2 months

    @resjudicata 4G was definitely revolutionary. Using mobile internet like a typical broadband connection was not really feasible with 3G. It was too slow for any heavy duty use like GPS navigation and Youtube. 5G won't be revolutionary but it will be good incremental improvement that will enable...
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    What do you guys think about Indigo as a long term buy (~5-10 years)? Its trading at 10-20% from its all time lows

    @resjudicata Buffet also exited his investment in Delta, regretting that he ever invested in an airline stock. Buffet is not god. He makes mistakes and he is honest enough to admit it as well.
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    P Chidambaram: Franklin Templeton’s decision you wind up 6 mutual funds is a matter of grave concern to investors and the industry

    @montse811 It's no surprise that US investors in /r/investing are talking about going all-in on equity as Uncle Sam keeps pumping the market. Some investors feel the government won't let them lose money no matter how much risk they take. Risk premium itself will go for a toss if this perception...
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    P Chidambaram: Franklin Templeton’s decision you wind up 6 mutual funds is a matter of grave concern to investors and the industry

    @montse811 There is no free lunch. Fed's buying junk bonds with money printed out of thin air. The cost of that will have to be borne by everyone else and future generations. This is akin to robbing Peter to pay Paul.
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    What do you guys think about Indigo as a long term buy (~5-10 years)? Its trading at 10-20% from its all time lows

    @muse86 Nobody ever made money buying an airline stock. Why bother? Look elsewhere.
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    Our markets are much more resilient by design compared to US - Thoughts

    @kittyc It's amazing how short sighted some people are. There are celebrating the fact that little guys have no say or control over the market in India. The fact that retail traders could do something like this in the US is a massive victory for the common man if you ask me. It shows that they...
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    The US Fed launches Mother of all QEs

    @resjudicata Looks like Trump will go to any length to prop up the stock market. It's election year afterall.
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    Qualcomm to invest Rs 730 crore in Jio Platforms for a 0.15% stake. JIO Platforms bull run continues with 12 investement in less than 2 months

    @lukapyon03 It takes time for kids to get out from the shadow of a successful father and shine on their own and we are talking about a father named Mukesh Ambani here. That's no easy feat. I am sure many of us with successful and respected fathers have faced the same issue. No matter what we...